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EXPO '04

HiKarate Store


A table of goodies at Expo '03. Photo by Jake Callaway.

For a thousand generations Hi-Karate merchandise was limited to a small selection of school specific items. But times change (although Hi-Karate doesn’t). We are currently working on an official line of Hi-Karate merchandise, ranging from training videos, to weapons to T shirts. Although we still grant permission to officially blessed Hi-Karate schools to continue to sell their items, these will be official items sold by the Federation. This page is sort of a preview of items to come. We are currently setting up a Paypal account for easy purchase as we catalog and organize our merchandise. Look in the future for a website to offer a full catalog of HiKarate goods.

100% Rayon workout uniforms. The look and feel of silk without the cost.

(above) Uniforms are an important accessory in Hi-Karate. Your uniform says so much about you : Your rank, school, specialty, animal spirit and a certain flair. Like many martial arts, Hi-Karate has various uniforms, ranging from simplistic workout uniforms to elaborate and beautiful dress “ceremonial” uniforms. We plan to offer an expanded selection of uniforms of all styles and sizes.

Worth their weight in Gold!

(above) Finally, the official thing. The first of 3 videos to be released as part of the “Hi-Karate Golden Library” collection.


Tape 1 : Vintage footage :We have taken film and video and have included clips from the last century including 1926 silent era footage taken in Alberta, Canada of a Hi-Karate demonstration. The participates are not identified but are assumed to be Nehaw Wong and Peter Sanchju, to mid level Hi-Karate warriors who left China for Alaska and made their way through Canada and eventually settled somewhere in the Midwest. They paid for their traveling expenses by performing Hi-Karate feats of extraordinary magnitude for .10cents a head. Also on this tape is a brief history of Hi-Karate and a “year book”, a montage of clips provided by schools over the years of promotions, demos, open houses, etc. Look for your mug!


Tape 2 : All Master Yee. Film footage of the Master of Masters teaching and demonstrating. Also is a rare BBC interview with Master Yee, who in his twilight years, was strong as bull and still teaching the mystical, magical art of hand held death.


Tape 3 : The first in our series of official instructional videos. AVOID TROUBLE AND COUNTER ARREST TECHNIQUES. We here in 21st Century America don’t have the luxuries that ancient China did. Today should a man challenge us on the street, it is our duty to say no. Should we answer this challenge in the name of honor or decide to strike first, we find ourselves in jail or being sued. After several inconvenient encounters with the law, Master Louis Vanderson of New York City created this 55 minute video tape of techniques that will help you should the unfortunate occur and you find yourself the target of Johnny Law.

The Kwan-Chi Oh. Classic Hi-Karate weapon of old. Each will be hand made and sized for it's master user.

Hand made Kwan-Chi-Oh’s are being lined up for crafting. The 300 year old Hi-Karate weapon, originally made of copper and was so heavy only the most powerful of Hi-Karate masters could wield it from hoseback, will be individually handcrafter by a weapons master in Japan. A student will send in how tall he is, how much he weighs and his arms length and a custom weapon will be made for he or she. This is a dream come true for those of us that have only seen replicas and photos of this exclusive Hi-Karate Weapon.

Another hand made goodie

It is our goal to bring Hi-Karate of old into the 21st Century. And we want to bring it with quality. These handmade stone lanterns, made in Germany, represent the power and light of element #5. Every Kwoon should have one to represent the goal of every Hi-Karate disciple – to obtain total enlightenment and achieve element #5 for the good of man.

What it is all about! Famed Disney Imagineer and Hi-Karate sub-master Tony Baxter created this rendering of a new, 21st century Wu Po Wang. We look forward to making it, anew!.

(above) What it is all about! The symbol of H-Karate. Affectionately called “the basketball”, the Wu Po Yang is a variation of the Yin Yang that Master Yee created during his 30 day fast just prior to his mastering element #4. It represents the world and the lines represent the various hemispheres of our planet, all joined and intersecting each other. The red color, a traditional Chinese color, was changed to more of an orange in the 1920 due to the cost of colored ink for fabric, which was used to make flags with the symbol. We hope to have a whole line of Wu Po Yang items ranging from crystal balls in the shape and blown colors of the Yang to T shirts and large granite reproductions for Kwoon alters.

Jiu or Chiu. How ever you spell it, it means death to those that dare cross the path of a Hi-Karate Padawan

A six pack of home brewed Jiu will be for sale on our site in summer of ’05. Of course any student of Hi-Karate above yellow belt has known at least one broken Jiu kata-form-dance.

Awarding winning photo by Marc Waibel, of Master Yes taken in 2002. This was taken for a tribute to one of the oldest living Hi-Karate Masters in Martial Arts Life magazine. Although the magazine is now defucted, you can once in a while find an issue on eBay

Look for the Hi-Karate Store open in Spring of 2005!